Candles and beeswax wraps in stock at Frisella Nursery in Defiance, MO

Honey bees are the ONLY insect that produces food for humans to eat.  Honey bees also pollinate approximately 80% of all vegetables, fruit and seed crops in the USA.  With that being said, honey bees are VERY important to humans.
Here at Big Cedar Farm, our bees work hard to forage for pollen and nectar throughout the spring, summer, and fall.  This allows them to produce a high quality, raw honey along with storing food for their colonies.
In order to keep our bees happy and healthy, we only harvest one time per year.  Our girls keep the honey they make in the late summer and fall to provide them with enough nutrients and energy to sustain them through the winter.  Having good food in storage allows the colony to make an easier transition into spring.
Consequently, the overall health of our honeybee colonies is our top priority.  We want to ensure that they can continue to pollinate our food crops and create the best honey possible for our planet and our customers.
All of our products are made from sustainable resources with the health and wellness of body, mind, and planet in the forefront.  Check out our About Us page to learn more about our practices.
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