It’s springtime and the bees are hard at work flying hither and to while gathering nectar and pollen. The Queen has picked up production again now that the temperatures are rising. I will be splitting some of the hives very soon to, hopefully, prevent any swarming. All of the new boxes are painted in lovely pastels to add some color to the growing bee yard. We have decided to give each hive the name of a flower. So far we have Aster, Buttercup, Camelia, Daffodil, Elderberry, Forsythia, Geranium, Hyacinth. With any luck, we will add Iberis, Jasmine, Kalmia, and Lily this year.
On the other side of the farm, the horses are shedding up a storm of winter coat. It is fun to watch the birds flitting around gathering all of that hair for their nests. Chip, our dun colored Quarter Horse just turned 17 years old and celebrated with his herd (Max and Mabel) by enjoying yummy birthday cookies from our friends at
It has been a wet and chilly spring which has not been great for turnout in the pastures. BUT it has been great for greening up the grass. We can’t wait to add more pasture space for the horses this year so they can have even more space to run. I have a feeling that we won’t see them at the gate as much when they are in the back pasture watching their neighbors at
Stay tuned!